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DIY Owl Bookends

31 Days of DIY Projects. Project Twelve: DIY Owl Bookends.

Make your own DIY Owl Bookends with just a few simple materials. I’m all about affordable, simple and easy projects. This project is no exception. Hurray for budget friendly DIY’s! The second I spotted these owls at the dollar store I knew exactly what I wanted to do with them. With a few other simple supplies they made the perfect bookends.

DIY Owl Bookends

Materials Needed to make DIY Owl Bookends: 2 blocks of wood (I found mine at Michael’s), two decorative owls (99 Cent Store), a paint brush, wood stain and E6000.

DIY Owl Bookends

DIY Owl Bookends

Step One: Start by staining your wood. I chose a color called Grapevine. It was the only brown tone stain I could find at Michael’s. I was very happy with the red tone the wood had once stained. Apply as many layers of stain as needed to reach your desired depth of color.

DIY Owl Bookends

Step Two: Once your stain has fully dried, glue your owls onto each wooden block using E6000. I use E6000 for almost all of my projects because it’s workable, but dries permanent and holds well! Keeping a tube of this glue on hand is a DIY must for me.

DIY Owl Bookends

Have you ever made bookends? Hope you have fun making your own DIY Owl Bookends!

Happy DIYing!

xoxo Naomi

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