
Simple Acts of Kindness to Bring Joy During the Holidays

As we enter into the Holiday season we begin to prepare for all sorts of things.

It’s easy to get caught up in the gatherings, parties, decorating, eating, gifts and so much more. I love all those things, but I want to find ways to focus on gratitude and serving first.

While selfless acts of kindness should be done all year round the Holidays are a wonderful reminder to think of others before ourselves. As we look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas hopefully our hearts are focused on those around us. 

I love gathering and celebrating the season.

It’s a wonderful time to be together and we should have these times with one another. As we gather we can begin to focus on how to throw the best parties or events or get togethers.

We can be focused on the fun and festivies we want to have. In the midst of all this how do we truly celebrate the holidays with selflessness, care for others, and being bringers of joy?

I’m beginning with looking for ways to practice gratitude. I love that there are others out there thinking this way too.

Real Simple has a November Gratitude Challenge, Dani DiPirro has a really fun challenge she just released for November and shares illustrations on her Instagram and Hearts and Stripes has an awesome 31 day gratitude challenge you can get delivered straight to your email!

Last year one little act of kindness left me impacted in an unexpected way. Read how a moment of generosity reminded me that the opportunity to give is right there waiting for us.

Simple Acts of Kindness to Bring Joy During the Holidays

What can we do to get outside of our own lives and impact the lives of those around us?

Can we find ways to radically love others.

Can we be the hands and feet of Jesus?

How do we care for our friends and family and even strangers?

When you really think about it, is it selfless acts of kindness for the holidays or is it how to show kindness in all aspects of our lives no matter the season?

It’s easy to be wrapped up in my own life. It’s easy to be busy and focus on all the things I have to do for my own life.

Good things, great things even. Life is good and full and you have all sorts of opportunities to grow in relationships, embrace wonderful friendships, and dive into community with people.

How do we make it about them and not us? How do we be selfless?

As I look ahead to Christmas I think of all the things that Jesus has done for us. I’m in awe of how this servant leader put others before himself.

I think it begins by being on the lookout for opportunities to help others. Keep your eyes open for people in need. Watch for those who look like they’re struggling.

Then ask yourself what you can do to alleviate their burden. Maybe it’s a single mom, a widow, a family was just lost a job, or maybe it’s a complete stranger that your paths cross with.

What’s one little act of kindness someone can do for you that would make you feel incredibly loved?

Think of the family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, people surrounding you and as you think of them, think of that one thing, one small act of kindness, you can do for them.

What’s something that would make them feel thought of and cared for?

Simple Acts of Kindness to Bring Joy During the Holidays

Here’s a list of Simple Acts of Kindness to Bring Joy During the Holidays to get you started!

Simple Acts of Kindness to Bring Joy During the Holidays

  1. Drop off a baked good
  2. Bake some pies and take it to your neighbors
  3. Surprise your significant other or best friend with their favorite meal
  4. Bring your spouse breakfast in bed (let them sleep in)
  5. Treat your spouse of best friend to at at home pedicure and foot rub
  6. Intentionally invite others into your home for holiday events and gatherings
  7. Jump in and help with set up or clean up at a party
  8. Help with the dishes after a party
  9. Have a friend over for lunch and treat them with a cheese plate for two
  10. Have someone over for dinner
  11. Bring dinner to a widow
  12. Donate to a food pantry
  13. Donate to a toy drive
  14. Take someone out for coffee
  15. Bring someone coffee or tea at work
  16. Clean someone’s house (if they’ll let you ;))
  17. Do someone’s yard work, mowing, raking or shoveling
  18. Do your siblings chores for the day
  19. Bring someone flowers
  20. Take the kids somewhere and give your spouse a morning to themselves
  21. Plan a date night for a couple with little kids and babysit for them
  22. Take a single mom Christmas shopping for her kids
  23. Surprise a single mom with a mani/pedi and watch her kids for her
  24. Remember friends and family who have lost loved ones
  25. Leave a gas card on someone’s windshield
  26. “Borrow” someone’s car and wash it (or take it to the car wash)
  27. Drop off a bag of groceries for someone in need
  28. Take someone’s dog for a walk
  29. Let the person behind you in line go first
  30. Pay for someone’s purchase at the store. Read how an unexpected opportunity to show kindness to a stranger touches my heart.
  31. Pay for someone’s meal at a restaurant
  32. Leave a generous tip with a kind note
  33. Invite someone to come to church with you 
  34. Offer to drop off or pick up someone’s kids from school
  35. Write a friend a note telling them what you appreciate and love about them
  36. Make someone a Fall Wreath
  37. Call someone you haven’t talked to in a long time
  38. Drop off a basket of goods or groceries to a family in need
  39. Serve at a food shelf
  40. Mentor a youth
  41. Send a college student a care package
  42. Go visit or read to someone in a nursing home
  43. Send out Thank You cards after every event or gathering you attend
  44. Bring a gift for your host or hostess that is for them and not the party
  45. Ask someone how they are doing and then simply sit and listen.

I came across an awesome post by The Better Mom and was blown away by how they gathered a group of families to shower love on a family for the 12 days of Christmas.

Read Karen’s inspiring post: Simple Ways to Scatter Christmas Kindness

Simple Acts of Kindness to Bring Joy During the Holidays

In our women’s group at church a few weeks ago we were asked to share one unexpected thing someone did for us that week.

It was my week to set up coffee and snacks for fellowship. As as our study group time approached my sweet husband sent me out of the kitchen to attend our women’s class. Instead of letting me be late he let me go and finished setting up without me.

It was such a simple act but it meant so much to me that morning. I was filled with gratefulness as I walked out of the kitchen that morning.

What would it look like if we always aimed to serve one another?

Let’s make the way we celebrate the holidays be with selflessness, care for others, and being bringers of joy!

I would love it if you shared an act of kindness you’ve done or someone has done for you in the comments.

xoxo Naomi

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