
What is Clubhouse and How to Get an Invite

A new audio only social app has hit the scene. I started hearing the buzz about this new social app called Clubhouse a few months ago. People were looking for invites. Which begs the question, what is Clubhouse and why is everyone so obsessed?

Have you heard of it? It’s a new audio-only chat app. And it’s super fun. Self-described as “drop-in audio chat” by the designers of this new social app that’s generating a lot of buzz. It’s currently invite-only, but you can reserve your username and start networking for an invite.

And I have to admit I’m low-key obsessed with Clubhouse.

What is Clubhouse you ask?

What is the Clubhouse app you ask? And why do you need an invite?

What is clubhouse app?

I can best describe it as a live podcast forum.

There are tons of topics being talked about. You can follow people and clubs based on the people you know and the topics you are interested in.

Live conversations happen in Rooms, led by a Moderator, with Speakers on Stage. Participants (Clubhouse users) join the Room and listen. To contribute to the conversation, participants can also raise their hand and the moderator can choose to invite them onto the stage.

Again this is all audio-only. This means you can listen and participate worry free of your current environment or appearance.

There’s something beautifully unique and special about connecting with our voices. And because it’s audio only, you are getting the real person, in the moment, without any of the polish we use on other social media apps. It’s incredibly refreshing.

Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels of girl holding cell phone with a laptop on her lap.
Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

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How to join clubhouse

Yes, you need an invite. Which begs the question? How to get an invite to the Clubhouse app?

It made me think back to when Pinterest first hit the scene. While they won’t label themselves a social media platform, they also started out as an invite-only platform.

Hence the buzz.

I’ll be honest I may have gotten around to checking out Clubhouse, but the allure of needing an invite, made me want to be on the app even more.

And when I did get one I felt like an A-lister who just got let into an exclusive club.

But why is Clubhouse invite only?

Launched in March of 2020, founders Paul Davison and Rohan Seth started the app as invite only.

An important component of starting an app as invite-only is to allow the app to grow gradually so that the servers can handle the usage and growth can be scaled.

It also creates a lot of interest. Especially when early users include celebrities and well-known industry thought leaders.

To be in a room and hear the amazing stories, experiences, insight, and advice savvy business entrepreneurs are dishing out is incredible. All of a sudden we have access to some seriously smart people who are helping others ( with nothing in return).

Imagine listening to Larry Kim, the founder and VP of Marketing of MobileMonkey, hand out free internet marketing advice, real estate mogul Barbara Corcoran of Shark Tank offer insightful business tips or how about joining in on a chat led by Elon Musk?

Real, live conversations are happing 24/7 on the app. Connections you could have never made before are being made with people you never had access to before. 

The good news is Paul and Rohan are working to make the app available to everyone eventually.

Until then here are a few tips on getting into the app.

How to Get an Invite to the Drop-in Audio App

Currently, you need a Clubhouse invite from another Clubhouse user to get in. Even though you can’t automatically join yet, you can download the Apple app and reserve your username on the platform. If you are looking to join it’s a good idea to go ahead and grab your handle on Clubhouse now!

Since the only way to get in right now is through an invite. Start networking! Ask around to see if anyone has an invite. I learned about Clubhouse in the first place because of all the buzz in one of my blogging groups.

Once someone joins Clubhouse they start getting invites to give out. So letting people know you are looking for an invite is key, as they go fast. When friends get on the app you’ll show up in their list of contacts they can invite onto the app. As soon as a friend of mine got in I asked for an invite and when she had one, she invited me! And just like that I was in.

Who to follow and how to network

My first objective once I got on the app? Finding interesting people to follow!

Following the creators, Paul and Rohan is a no brainer! And of course any IRL friends that are also on the app. Next I looked for people in industries like marketing and business that I’m interested in.

On Clubhouse you can follow other users, clubs, and rooms. One thing I really like is that once you are following someone you’ll see rooms they are in suggested to you. Once I’m in a room and enjoying the topic I start checking out the speakers profiles and often follow them.

My favorite room is “The Social Media Show” with Breakfast with Champions. I’ve been learning so much! But, seriously there are so many amazing people and rooms.

How to make the most of Clubhouse app

Be respectful

Being respectful on Clubhouse is number one. Clubhouse should be a safe place for us to interacts, share our thoughts and opinions and be heard. This takes all the users on the app making respect for each other a priority. So far this has been a key take away for me in the app. I’ve been incredibly impressed by the room I’ve been in and how gracious and helpful the moderators and speakers have been.

You can tell that people are valuing each other and being genuinely caring and helpful.

Be a giver not a taker

Be on the Clubhouse app to give not take. This is not a Me, Me, Me platform. You will find that you’ll get a lot more out of the rooms and conversations if do not make it all about you. Do not be spammy

If your focus is on yourself in this app, Clubhouse may not be the place for you.

Follow the communities guidelines and app policies.

The only way Clubhouse works is if we all follow the rules. And if you don’t want to be banned from the app it’s important to know what the rules are. Not only is this a drop-in audio only app. It’s audio only in real time. With no recording. And in case you are tempted to take your own recording of a conversation you are in, don’t. It’s against the policy. So be sure to read the Community Guidelines, Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Find out more about Clubhouse on their blog.

Get creative with your bio.

Unlike other social media platforms, like Instagram for example, you can have a super long bio on Clubhouse. Users are getting super creative with their bios. Emojis are huge, since they are also searchable in the app.

One pro tip I learning in a room is to take advantage of the first three lines of your bio as only the first three lines are shown in your bio preview. People have to expand your profile to see all of it, so be sure to put the most important information first.

I love checking out speaker bios and seeing what information they are including. It seems that the sky’s the limit!

What is the Clubhouse app? And how do you join Clubhouse?

Clubhouse terminology

  • Clubhouse: Audio drop-in social app
  • The Hallway: where you will see scheduled and current rooms listed
  • Room: a chat room where conversations are happening
  • Club: a group of people
  • Search: how to find people or topics you are interested in
  • CH: Abbreviation for Clubhouse

Best Practices on Clubhouse

Once on Clubhouse it’s important to get the lay of land. Here are a few tips I’ve learned on Clubhouse app etiquette.

  1. Be respectful of others. Be respectful of their time, stories and experience. Be respectful of people’s journey. Some people know less than us and some know more.
  2. Give value, put others first, and don’t be spammy.
  3. Follow all the speakers in a room before raising your hand.
  4. Don’t be afraid to raise your hand. From day one jumping in on the conversation is welcomed and encouraged.
  5. No question is too silly to ask.
  6. Connect off app too. Follow on Instagram, DM, and continue the connections you make.
  7. Make the most of the first three lines of your bio as they’ll be people’s first introduction to you!
  8. Have a standout bio photo. A bright pop of color is really helpful in standing out.
  9. Have fun with emojis in your bio. Emojis are highly used in bios on the app.
What is the Clubhouse app? And how do you join Clubhouse?

Follow me!

I’m just getting started on Clubhouse!

Find me on Clubhouse: Simply search @naomikirons

xoxo Naomi

I’ve really enjoyed my experience with Clubhouse so far. For me a key take away has been to go in ready to learn and make authentic connections.

Are you on Clubhouse app? What have you enjoyed about the app?

xoxo Naomi

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