My 2015 Favorite Moments and Blog Posts

My 2015 Favorite Moments and Blog Posts

This year was truly awesome. As I look back over the year I’m amazed at all the wonderful memories and experiences. There were some really tough times too. Life seems to work that way though doesn’t it. A mixture of amazing, surprising, challenging and even at times mundane. Through it all I can testify that God has blessed me beyond expectation! It’s fun to recap the year and see how my blog has reflected my year.

My 2015 favorite moments and blog posts


+ Confession: I was too busy in January to even think about blogging! Two days before the start of a new year my best friend and I splurged on a Maroon Five concert! Best concert ever and totally worth the splurge!!! I flew into town for one night on my way home from Christmas vacation with family in Minnesota and literally flew home to California on New Year’s Eve.

+ I ushered New Year’s in with some pretty awesome people {and didn’t take a single picture}. I hit the ground running in 2015 with a two week Bible School course in San Pedro, CA. We ended week one with an afternoon of Sailing in the Pacific Ocean. My absolutely favorite memory of 2015!


+ February was gobbled up by life.


+ I discovered succulents and that there was hope that I could actually keep a plant alive. The term Black Thumb was coined for me. And if you have cute plants you need cute pots.


+ I took a trip to Minneapolis for a prayer retreat and caught up with family and friends for a whirlwind weekend! Friend Julia introduced me to Empire Coffee & Pastry in Minneapolis.

+ I took this gorgeous girl’s senior photos at the beach.


+ I revamped a favorite Glow Stick Lantern Project. Why are glow sticks so cool? They just are, right?!

+ I upcycled this TV tray I bought for $5 at the thrift store.


+ My obsession with Mason Jars continues to this day. If you can make a grad gift that includes a Mason Jar. I say do it.

+ I was honored to do the Branding Artwork for amazing Fine Art artist Shannon Celia! Designing for Shannon is my favorite set of Brand + Logo artwork that I’ve created. Work like this fuels my passion for design.


+ I tagged along for a weekend of house/dog sitting with my roommate in Malibu. I enjoyed RELAXING all weekend. I couldn’t resist picking up these gorgeous Dahlia’s at a Malibu Farmer’s Market before we headed home.

+ A newfound love for succulents continued, from growing roots for planting to creatively planting them in a seashell.

+ Spent a week in Colorado with my Youth Group for a National Youth Convention.


+ Sadly my little Olympus Pen died. I think the shutter broke. It was a sad day. After much debate I decide to spring for a new Canon and abandon the Olympus. These pictures of a swallowtail butterfly were the last pictures taken on the Pen.

+ I went on vacation to Minnesota. Caught up with good friends and spent much needed time with family! I set some intentional goals that (hint hint) I’m excited to say will be part of a series I’m working on for the blog in January!


+ No Blogging! Honestly I entered September heart sick, disappointed and discouraged. Sometimes life disappoints us and hopes come crashing down around us, but then we pick up the pieces, enjoy the relationships around us and God brings new blessing and renews passions to uplift us.

+ I celebrated 32 in San Francisco with a weekend getaway with my roommates! I’d been itching for a trip to San Fran so I was super excited when they jumped on board! I took a million pics and meant to blog it, but never did. Oops.


+ I started October full throttle with Write 31 Days! I took on 31 DIY Projects in 31 Days and had an amazing, and super busy, time doing it. I was happy with practically every project, but this vase, silverware, and pineapple art were my favorites. I also made a pretty epic Halloween Costume, I must say.


+ I teamed up with Andrea from Harlow and Thistle to launch a four part Holiday Foraging Series collaboration! We made it an instagram challenge and are so thankful for every instagrammer and blogger that participated alongside of us. It was my very first blog collaboration and Andrea was an amazing collaboration partner!

+ I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and tried out a Pinterest Project. I was pleasantly surprised when these DIY Nail Polish Mugs actually worked out.


+ I wrapped up our Foraging series with this DIY Sticks Holiday Wreath.

+ I’m spending the end of the year in Minnesota with friends and family. It’s been a good year and so fun to look back and see where my blog has merged with my life. I’m so thankful for every person who visits, read, and interacts with me here! Wishing you an absolutely Happy New Year!

I’ll be announcing a new series next week in the New Year! See you then.

Happy DIYing!

Naomi | #MyFairOlinda | My 2015 Favorite Moments and Blog Posts

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    1. Thank you so much Cortney, that’ so encouraging 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

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