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Five Fabulous Tips to being the Hostess with the Mostest

I love to host people in my home! I’m happy to use the littlest excuse to throw a party or have a get together. Whether it’s an impromptu shindig or an elegant gathering these tips will help you plan and organize the perfect event. When it comes to being the Hostess with the Mostest you will keep your guests wondering how you do it.

Five Fabulous Tips to being the Hostess with the Mostest

Fresh ranunculus bouquet.

Setting the Tone:

Start with Fresh Flowers: Flowers add an instant elegance to your home. Not only are they welcoming, but they gracefully dress up and brighten any space. The local Farmer’s Market is a wonderful place to find beautiful and budget savvy flowers. Add a stop for flowers into your weekly routine and you’ll always have a home ready to entertain in. If you’re in a pinch and don’t have time to buy them, you can always pick them. Have a few places in mind you know you can pick a bouquet from when the need arises.

Bonus tip: Read my 5 pro tips to make your flowers last longer.

Don’t forget the Music: Create a playlist that reflects the vibe of both your guests and your event. No time for a playlist? Let itunes radio or spotify do the work for you.

Lighting: Think about what kind of lighting fits your event. Are you using candles, lamps, overhead lighting, stringed lights? Different levels of light will affect the atmosphere. Does your get together call for a lot of lighting or does it need to be dimmed down to fit the mood?

Every party needs a theme!


Establish in advance what type of party you are throwing. When inviting your guests be sure to let them know if its casual vs informal, if they should bring something or if you have all the bases covered. Will you be inside or outside? Is it themed?

Decorations: If you are throwing a themed event (ie. Birthday, Halloween, Ugly Sweater) start collecting your props and decor as soon as you have decided on your theme. Start by setting a budget and then make a list of ideas. I love to borrow items and hit up the thrift store or garage sales for fun decorations! 

Food prep - a time saver and a life saver!

Prep it:

Do all of your shopping at least two days in advance. This way if you happen to forget something you still have time for a last minute shopping run. Do your food prep the night before. Having everything cut and in containers ready to cook, plate, or serve will save you both time and stress the day of. No time to cut, peel or chop? Just buy it prepped and save yourself the time and the hassle. The night before make a timeline so you know when you need to start cooking what. Then it will be a simple as popping it in the oven, throwing it on the grill or putting it on a serving dish.

Last minute snacks look instantly beautiful when served on a wooden cutting board.

Last minute:

Didn’t have time to prep it? That’s okay. For those last minute get together’s keep simple items already on hand that you can throw together. I love how my friend Shannon does this. I’ve watched her put many a delicious cheese plate together in a matter of minutes. What’s your specialty? Do you make a mean guacamole or to die for brownies? Know what that go to horderves, dish or dessert is. Keep the ingredients stocked up in your fridge and pantry. It can be as easy as throwing popcorn in a pretty bowl or serving bruschetta on your favorite platter.

Tip: Last minute snacks look instantly beautiful when served on a wooden cutting board.

Photo booth!

Make Introductions and Get your Guests Mingling:

Be sure to introduce your guests to each other, but don’t just stop there. When introducing people give them a few talking points. Maybe they share a hobby or have similar tastes in music. Be creative, skip the job descriptions and get to the good stuff. Does your guest have a unique hidden talent? Share what your favorite character quality about them is. Help your guests get launched into a conversation before leaving them to fend for themselves.

Give your guests something to do to get them interacting and mingling. A photo booth is a really fun way for people to loosen up. Place interesting talking points or get to know you question cards around. Ask the whole group to answer the same question or share a favorite memory of something. Throwing a birthday party? Have guests share their favorite birthday party or gift ever. Halloween party? Have guests vote on the costumes: Best, scariest, most creative, etc. Dinner party? Use place cards to intentionally seat people by each other.

Bonus tip: Have a good time!

You’ve put in all the hard work, now relax and enjoy your guests!

Five Fabulous Tips to being the Hostess with the Mostest


Like my Five Fabulous Tips to being the Hostess with the Mostest? Leave a comment and let me know!

Still looking for a few more tips? Rachael Ray has four tips to make you a hostess queen, these nine tips from HGTV are right on point and Claire from The Kitchy Kitchen dishes out 10 fabulous tips on Town & Country.


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  1. Woot woot. I love a good hang out myself. Mine are mostly last minute.. haha. Cute ideas though. That cheese plate!! I love the background prop idea to have on hand

  2. These are such great tips! I love having get togethers and throwing parties but I always forget something or end up rushing to get stuff done!

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