
Five Favorite Ways To Unwind After A Long And Stressful Day

Happy Tuesday! I’m so excited to introduce you to my guest blogger, Megan, today! This amazing, fun lady is such a delight. She loves all things Disney, to travel and have lots of new adventures and breakfast for dinner. She’s fantastically creative, super outgoing and specializes in family photography. I love her enthusiasm and positive attitude towards life. Megan is sharing five of her favorite ways to unwind after a long and stressful day.

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Five Favorite Ways To Unwind After A Long And Stressful Day

Raise your hand if you ever have trouble relaxing after a long and stressful day. I’m pretty sure we all just raised our hands. For us women, we have all been there. We take on so many roles throughout the day that make us stressed, exhausted, and tired. It can sometimes be hard to unwind from such a long day. That is why I am sharing with you some of my favorite ways to unwind at home or anywhere. I hope these ideas bring relief and peace!

Five favorite ways to unwind after a long and stressful day. #selfcare #tips

Change Into Comfy Clothes

As soon as I come home from a long day, the first thing I love to do is change out of my cute outfit and put on leggings, sports bra, big comfy sweatshirt, and I put my hair up in a bun or put a headband on! Some days I go straight for the pajamas instead of my usual. It is such a nice feeling to be cozy and comfortable. That is just one of my favorite things to do. Most people know if I am wearing leggings and a big sweatshirt I am trying to relax.

Five favorite ways to unwind after a long and stressful day. #selfcare #tips

Time For Some Zen or Boost Your Mood: Yoga or Exercise

Another great way to unwind from a noisy and stressful day is to try yoga. I love to do yoga to calm down or even from anxiety I deal with. I light candles and turn off the lights. It creates such a peaceful atmosphere. I tell you what, I am no yoga queen! I just do the beginner basics along with breathing exercises.

There are days I come home with so much on my mind that I need to do a good workout. I mix cardio and strength from my favorite trainers from Tone It Up with Karena and Katrina. A good sweat helps me sort through some of those thoughts a lot easier and I don’t feel so overwhelmed.

Five favorite ways to unwind after a long and stressful day. #selfcare #tips

Tune Out The World With Music And Dive Into a Good Book or Article

Another great way for me to unwind from the day, after I put on my comfy clothes, is to grab my headphones. I tune into one of my many playlists and grab one of my books (yes, I said books, I always jump into books without finishing my other one I am on!). I dive into amazing stories, fiction and nonfiction. Stories of many categories depending on the day and my mood. Sometimes I just put my favorite praise and worship playlist on and bask in His presence. He is the true way to unwind.

Five favorite ways to unwind after a long and stressful day. #selfcare #tips

Write It Out

I have always loved to journal and write since I was a kid. I loved it when my teachers would want me to make up a story. I usually had a hard time ending the stories! But I learned that this is great way to de-stress when I would have bad anxiety attacks. It would calm me down so much. It would put order to my thoughts during those moments. You can either keep a journal to write in or just write it on a piece of paper. Once you wrote out your frustrations from the day, crumple it up and throw it away. It is such a good visual.

Five favorite ways to unwind after a long and stressful day. #selfcare #tips

Get Creative: Artsy, Garden, Cook, The List Goes On!

My newest thing to do is to doodle. I doodle about something that stuck out to me that day or on something that has been on my mind for a while. Another creative outlet I use to unwind are some of my favorite hobbies. The hobbies list from photography, gardening, cleaning, baking, and organizing. Being creative is a great way to find a new hobby or one you already have. Focusing on yourself is great for your body, mind and soul.

I hope this gave you all some inspiration on how to unwind after a long and stressful day. One of best thing about these ideas, is that you can do any of these anywhere. When I tend to start to feel stressed during the day, I start to figure out which one I am going to do once I get home. Now, it’s your turn! I want to know how you relax and unwind after a long or stressful day. Do we do similar things? Anything different or noteworthy that helps you relax? What are you favorite ways to unwind after a long and stressful day? Let me know!


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Want to connect with Megan? You can find and follow her on Instagram: @thesimplemomentsoflife and on Pinterest: Megan Valder!

Leave some comment love and tell us, what are your favorite ways to unwind after a long and stressful day?

xoxo Naomi

Five favorite ways to unwind after a long and stressful day. #selfcare #tips


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    1. I couldn’t agree more. The first thing I do when I get home everyday is change into a comfy outfit. Feels great!

    1. I’d say a bath totally counts as creativity! It’s both relaxing and frees your mind up to think of all sorts of fabulous ideas.

  1. All great ideas – thanks so much for sharing. I LOVE coming home after work and putting on PJ pants or something else comfortable. It just immediately relaxes you I think.


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