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Favorite Things To Do In The Summer In Minnesota

Ahhh summer. Green grass, the warm summer sun, birds chirping, flowers in full bloom, county fairs, baseball, beach days, and the smells of BBQ & bonfires. Summer is truly the best! As for Summers in Minnesota, they are probably my most favorite of them all. Now of course I love fall too, don’t get me wrong. But after a long brutal winter with snow storms in the middle of April, we all get a bad case of cabin fever and some us, including myself, get the winter blues once February comes around. Which makes us Minnesotans pretty antsy to get outside as soon as it get above freezing (35° never felt so tropical until then) to soak up the warm sunshine.With that being said, today I am going to share with you my favorite things I do in the summer here in Minnesota! I’ll be sharing about the great outdoors, events in Minnesota like county fairs, and free events like movies in the park, restaurants, coffee shops and more.

Favorite Things To Do In The Summer In Minnesota

The Great Outdoor Adventures:

Getting outdoors is definitely one of my favorite things to do in the Summer in Minnesota. Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes and that isn’t understatement. Minnesota is claimed to have more shoreline than California, Florida, and Hawaii combined!

With that in mind, my first thing I love to do in the summer in the great outdoors is being out on lakes or by them. Whether that be sun tanning on the beach with a good book or out on a canoe with a friend or two. Right here in Minneapolis there are lots of lakes to choose from. Which I love! If I want to get a workout in before heading to the beach, I can jog on the nice trails. My favorite things to do at the lake is have a picnic on the beach, canoe, paddle board, and fish.

Favorite Things To Do In The Summer In Minnesota

Which leads me to second favorite thing to do in the summer. I LOVE camping! I love the whole idea of disconnecting from technology, being with the people you love, while being surrounded by God’s beautiful creation. There is nothing better then those deep conversations by a bonfire, seeing animals in their habitats, or going out on a boat to go fishing. I love laying down in a open field to look at the stars. Then on top of all that, all the fellowship you have with your friends or family. On those camping trips, I’ve seen God work in ways I haven’t seen before. Just to be still in nature. You can hear God.

Favorite Things To Do In The Summer In Minnesota

Some other outdoor favorites of mine are gardening and Saturday mornings going to the farmers market. I have grown a big passion for gardening. Both flower and vegetable gardens. There is something about growing your own produce that is so satisfying. Also gardening is very therapeutic for me. I love to go work in my garden after a stressful day.

Farmer's Market Strawberries

RELATED: Happily Dwell’s 2018 End of Summer Bucket List

Entertainment & Food:

Another summer favorite of mine is all the free events along with paid events that go on all throughout Minneapolis. From Lumber Jack Days, to open streets, movies in the park, yoga at the farmers market, to live music, state fair, baseball games, and the list goes on. Which makes it hard for me choose just a few! I love them all! Haha!

Favorite Things To Do In The Summer In Minnesota

For me, nothing says summertime than attending Twins baseball game on a gorgeous evening or having a picnic dinner with friends at a free movie in the park. The movies range from kid to movies, comedy, and old classics. Another favorite of mine, is the Minnesota State Fair! I go with both friends and family. The great Minnesota get together is one of the best in the United States. This end-of-summer tradition is always held the 12 days leading up to and through Labor Day. Fun concerts, a lot of walking, art galleries, farm animals, rides, millions of people, and amazing food!

Favorite Things To Do In The Summer In Minnesota

The food is my favorite part along with the animals! The fair offers a wide range of food, you can have your classics, like cheese curds, corn on the cob, foot long hotdogs, pork chop on a stick, the list goes on. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can try the wild creation, such as deep friend apple pie, chocolate covered bacon, or this year’s new Swedish Meatball Smörgås or Za-Waffle Sticks. It is the best way to end the summer with a happy memories.

Favorite Things To Do In The Summer In Minnesota

I could write more about all my favorite things in full details but it would probably bore you all! Haha! I hope you all are having an AMAZING summer!

-Megan xoxo
(Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, & Pinterest)

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