
How to Embrace Your YOU and Let Perfection Go

Do you ever feel like you are hiding a part of yourself?

Let’s talk about how to embrace your YOU and let perfection go!

Maybe it’s a funny little quirk or habit you think is silly, maybe it’s a flaw you think you’ll be judged for or maybe it’s a pain buried deep inside you think no one could understand.

Wouldn’t it be freeing to let those things out instead of keeping them bottled up inside? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to embrace your YOU and let perfection go?

There’s so much freedom in being ourselves. Every little inch of us.

I’m currently going through a Fruits of the Spirit study with a group of women from my church. Since the study is on patience, I’ve been considering the idea of what’s pretense and what authentic in my life. 

As God grows patience in us, our rough edges of “perfect” pretense get smoothed away. 

I’m learning that it’s okay to be a work in progress.

How to Embrace Your YOU and Let Perfection Go

I’ve felt driven to have the appearance of perfection in place. For fear of disapproval, judgment, or disappointment.

As I’ve held this facade up in areas of my life I’m realizing I’ve created unrealistic expectations on myself. This has led to an unattainable pressure to actually be perfect. Which of course none of us ever can be.

It’s also caused me to hold back my true self.

In holding myself back I have held myself and others from the benefit and beauty of authenticity. What served as a hedge of protection in my mind, also serves as a barrier to others knowing me and being known in return.

Does that make sense? Do you identify with or relate to this?

Thank goodness that we can grow and learn and move out of these boxes we build for ourselves!

I’ve known for a long time I AM NOT PERFECT. The problem for me is that I haven’t wanted to admit it to anyone else. 😭🤪

But it’s such a burden to try so hard to look like we have it all together when we know we don’t.

Lately, for me, I’ve been working to let my imperfections be imperfections. Owning my quirks as who I am, no matter how silly they are!

I’m learning to take myself less and less seriously and it is so freeing!

I was caught up in perfectionism for too long.

This meant always being afraid to look foolish or embarrass myself in any way.

Now I’m finding the confidence to be silly, let loose and look funny. Without the worry of what others think.

If you are putting that kind of pressure on yourself, know that all your weirdness, your uniqueness, the things that are different about you are beautiful and wonderful!

I spent years worried about what others thought of me. I spent years feeling like I wasn’t good enough. We don’t have to be cookie-cutter!!

God created us in His image to reflect His glory. We are his amazing, incredible workmanship. Each of us beautiful, each of us valuable, each of us cherished and precious in His sight. Embrace who he created you to be and be you!!!

So for anyone who’s ever thought they’d be judged, looked down on, misunderstood, laughed at, criticized, mocked or disregarded let’s flip the script!

Ready to embrace your YOU and let perfection go?

You are wonderfully created. Do you believe this? Could you own it right down to your core? It’s true. God has wonderfully made you (Psalm 139).

See yourself as God sees you: precious, beloved, valued, and deeply loved!

Be you! Your wonderful, unique, all you, you!

Who’s picking up on what I’m putting down? 👇🏻 talk to me!

xoxo Naomi

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