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How To Unwind This Holiday Season

The Christmas season can bring us happiness, joy and also stress. With all the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping to work deadlines right before Christmas break to planning and packing for your trip home for Christmas. I can list many situations and scenarios. Stress around the holidays is absolutely no fun. We need to take care of ourselves, we need to breathe, and focus on the positive side of each situation. Today I want to share simple way you can unwind this holiday season. Just taking even 10 minutes out of your day to stop what you are doing and take a few deep breaths will relieve stress. 

5 Podcast To Listen To When You Need Motivation Or Be Inspired:

Break A Sweat While Getting Motivated:

You read that right. As we all know, Exercise boost brain power, melts stress away, more energy, better sleep, and mush more! Here comes the motivated part.  Have you ever worked out while listening to a podcast or a book on Audible? If you haven’t, please do it! I finally discovered this about a year ago and it has blown me away with how amazing I feel after working out. If don’t know where to start on podcast, check out my post called 5 Podcast To Listen To When You Need Motivation or To Be Inspired:

I am not saying you have to work out everyday. Work out when you can BUT make it a priority. Just a simple 15 workout, a walk at your lunch break, or yoga before bed.  I personally just got back into the habit of working out at least 4-5 times a week. I had to build up to it and I am so glad I did. I always make sure I work out when I am super stressed, because afterwards I feel 100% better. I highly recommend it. 

If you have kids, take the family sledding or walk. Another great way to get the family involved, have family yoga night. Have Christmas music dance party, it’ll not only get your family in the Christmas spirit but you’ll all sleep good that night too. 

Spa Day + Night:

One great stress reliever is pampering yourself. On your day off, sleep in, play Christmas music, stay home in your comfy pajamas, turn your phone on silent. Take a bubble bath and put on a face mask. Or if you’re not a homebody, treat yourself to breakfast out, grab one of the new Christmas lattes at Starbucks, and schedule manicure & pedicure. You will be amazed how this will help with stress or any anxiety. We need treat ourselves. You will feel the benefits. 

If you don’t a day off before the holidays, don’t fret. Once you get home after work, let your evening spa night begin. Start by putting a meat & cheese platter together for dinner. If you need help with cheese boards, check out Naomi’s post, “Cheese Plate 101: How to Create a Fabulous Cheese Board”. After the cheese board is complete, put on your comfy pajamas. Pop some bubbly and relax. Take a bubble bath and put on a face mask. Watch a classic Christmas movie. 

Grab A Book, Oil Difusser, Or Cup Of Tea:

A few other great ways to unwind this Christmas season is reading a book, feeling cozy, essential oils, or cup of hot tea. Books can take us to far away places, motivate us, and books can make us cry or laugh. For me, I love books that make me laugh or to get inspired & empowered. After long day at work,  I grab a book and curl up in my cozy bed. Just s simple way to get my mind off work and stress. There is nothing like feeling so cozy and warm while reading a good book.

One of my newest way to relax is drinking a cup of tea before bed. Drinking tea has a lot of benefits for your body. Tea contains antioxidants, boost your immune system, calming, help with your digestion, and the list goes on.Tea comes with a lot of different varieties and flavors.

Lastly, as I mentioned essential oils. I am new to the essential oil world and I am amazed! I recently won a diffuser on Instagram a month ago and it has been a game changer for my anxiety. My favorite oils right now are peppermint, frankincense, lavender, lemon, stress away, and joy. I have the diffuser in my bedroom. Once I come home, I turn it on and my bedroom turns into spa. 

I hope you can use these ideas to relax this Christmas season. Don’t like the stress steal your joy. We love you so much and love seeing you blossom and glow! <3 xo

Tis the season to bring joy & light to the world. 

Yours Truly, 

Don’t forget to say hi to me on: InstagramPinterest, and Twitter!




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