How to Repurpose Content for Multiple Uses [in 2022]

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I love repurposing content.

Getting more life out of content you’ve already written… what’s not to love?! There are so many ways to repurpose content for multiple uses.

Not to mention, there are plenty of compelling reasons to repurpose your content.

From saving time, introducing your content to a new audience, breathing new life into old content, spinning off of content to create new content, maximizing your efforts… you begin to see the picture, don’t you!

We work hard for our content.

Repurposing allows us to use it to its full potential.

How to Repurpose Content for Multiple Uses

As bloggers we are often the writer, content creator, social media manager, photographer and so much more all rolled into one. Staying on top of fresh content can be a challenge. Beyond consistently blogging, you are working to engage and grow your platforms as well. 

The magic in repurposing content is getting the most value out of your hard work as possible.

As you’ll learn in reading this post, repurposing is not about copy and pasting your content over and over again.

Repurposing is about doubling, tripling and even quadrupling your efforts to get the most life out of what you have created.

How to Repurpose Content for Multiple Uses

Utilize existing content on new platforms

One of my favorite ways to repurpose content for multiple uses is to utilize it on social media.

Not all of your followers are in the same place or following you across all your platforms. Repurposing content or simply using the same content in more than one place makes sure that your audience as a whole is seeing it.

If some of my followers are only reading my blog, while others are only seeing my Instagram or Facebook posts, by sharing the same content to all three I am making it available to all of them.

Some people will be interested in an entire blog post, while others will enjoy the content spread out over a few days or weeks on social media, while others prefer it in audio or video format.

By repurposing a blog post into an Instagram post or reel, a Facebook post, tweet, podcast or YouTube video you are taking your initial effort of writing a piece of content and turning it into five!

Split it up into sharable bites

I’ve written tons of content for my blog. And chances are that my audience has only seen select chunks of it. Grabbing a post and breaking it down for Instragam or FaceBook captions saves me tons of time when sharing on topics, I’ve already researched and written about.

This works especially well with blog posts. Here’s a few key ways you can use a blog post to create new medium:

The key to utilizing a piece of content on a different platform is customizing it. Instead of simply copying and pasting to another platform, reformat it and edit it to make sense on that platform.

Here a several ways to break content up into sharable bites to repurpose content for multiple uses:

Create a YouTube video.

Use your blog post as a script for a YouTube video. Which you can then grab segments of for social media sharing on platforms like Instagram, FaceBook and Twitter.

You can also get creative and then drive traffic back to your blog from those videos.

Turn it into a social media series.

Write a lot on a specific topic? Turn blog posts on similar topics into multiple posts on Instagram or Facebook.

Once you’ve share your series on Instagram you can even create a guide out of it! For example I gathered up all my posts on Goal Setting and created a 30 day goal setting series on Instagram. At the end of the 30 days I gathered all the posts up into an Instagram guide.

Make an email challenge from it.

You can turn one blog post or several blog posts into an email series or challenge.

If you’ve written a lot of content on a specific topic use it to grow and serve your email list by delivering over several emails.

Write an ebook spin off of it.

Compiling content you’ve created on a topic into an ebook is a great way to repurpose content. Depending on the topic and length of the ebook you can either offer it as a content upgrade on your site to grow your email list or sell it.

Create a content upgrade or freebie from a blog post.

Having a related content upgrade is a great way to grow your email list. By offering one available in a post that is related to that post you are taking an extra step for your audience. Here are several content upgrade ideas that can partner with a post:

  • Checklists
  • Cheat sheets
  • Templates
  • Ebooks
  • Workbooks
  • Pdf guides
  • Spreadsheets
  • Printables
  • Reports
  • Stock Photos
  • Recipes
  • Swipe files
  • Audio recordings
  • Video guides
Repurpose Content for Multiple Uses

Reinforce your message with your audience

I think we often hesitate to repurpose content because we assume our audience has already heard it from us. I would assume the opposite!

While I’m sure you have cross over from platform to platform. Your YouTube followers will differ from your Instagram followers who will differ from your blog followers. Because of the different types of mediums they enjoy to consume information from.

That means sharing the same content across platforms introduces it in multiple ways!

Our audience also forgets a lot of our content.

So sharing valuable content again is simply putting that great content back in front of them to serve them even more!

Sparks up the conversation again

You may have noticed that repurposing is not about copy and pasting your content over and over again. 

Repurposing is about doubling, tripling and even quadrupling your efforts to get the most life out of what you have created.

Think of repurposing as sparking up a conversation again.

If you haven’t shared a piece of content in awhile putting it out there again gives you and your audience another opportunity to interact on that topic.

Breathe new life into old content

When it comes to ways to repurpose content for multiple uses a key strategy is to refresh existing content by editing, refreshing and even adding to it.

Content gets old and outdated. Taking time to go through and revise old content can breathe some much needed new life into it. I recommend a regular review of content in general to make sure it’s up to date and still relevant.

Once you’ve reviewed old posts and made updates you can can re-share them as well as repurpose them for other channels and mediums.

Related post: How to Update Old Blog Posts

Use existing content to create new content

While similar to breathing new life into old content, this concept takes your existing content to spark new ideas for brand new content!

For example, if you wrote a post on goal setting two years ago your audience is no longer going to be familiar with that post. This is good news when it comes to creating new content from it.

Infuse new ideas, thoughts and stories into already created content for other platforms.

Additionally, use existing content as a spin off to create brand new pieces of content. Have more to say on the subject? Write a part two to an existing blog post.


Repurposing content not only saves you time, it reaches a broader audience by extending the life of your content. This means getting the most value possible out of the hard work you put in initially creating it.

I’ve shared tons of ways to repurpose content for multiple uses in this post.

I’d love to hear which way to repurpose content you’re most excited to try first! Leave a comment and let me know.

xoxo Naomi

updated October 2022

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