Popular Pinterest Pins that Demand Clicks: 6 Top Design Tips

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Are you ready to discover the secrets behind designing pins that practically beg to be clicked? In this blog post, you’ll learn how to design Pinterest pins that not only catch the eye but also entice users to click and explore further.

With nearly half a billion monthly active users, Pinterest is an absolute goldmine when it comes to driving traffic to our websites, blogs, and online businesses.

But here’s the thing: with millions of pins vying for attention, we aren’t just talking about how to design a pin. We want to identify how to make yours stand out from the crowd!

With a few key strategies and stand-out factors, anyone can learn how to create pins that convert.

Let’s dive into how to design popular Pinterest Pins that demand clicks!

Popular Pinterest Pins that Demand Clicks

Popular Pinterest pins that demand clicks!

Whether you’re a seasoned pinner or just starting out, there’s something here for everyone. This post is full of practical pin design ideas to help you craft an aesthetic pin. Creating pinterest pins doesn’t have to be hard.

So, grab your favorite beverage, get comfy, as we look at what makes a pin click-worthy, together. By the time you’re done reading, you’ll be armed with all the knowledge you need to craft Pinterest pins that practically scream, “Click me!”

Ready? Let’s jump right in and unlock the secrets to designing Pinterest pins that get clicks.

1. Craft Easy-to-Read Strategic Headlines

It all starts with crafting an easy-to-read strategic headline that grabs your audience’s interest from the get-go.

Understanding your target audience is key – what are their pain points, desires, and needs? Tailor your headlines to resonate with them, addressing their specific challenges and offering engaging solutions.

Use clear language to convey your message effectively and make every word counts. Power words are your secret weapon as they evoke emotion and add a punch to your headlines, making them irresistible.

Insider Tip: Consider using a headline analyzer like coschedule to create powerful hooks for your pins.

A typical hook (or title) could be: “How to Design Pinterest Pins that Demand Clicks: A Step-by-Step Guide”. Not a bad title, but with some help from a headline analyzer you can transform your title to a much more powerful statement, such as: “Popular Pinterest Pins that Demand Clicks: 6 Top Design Tips.”

Remember, your goal is to hook readers and make them curious to click through and explore more. Aim to create headlines that not only engage but also captivate, leaving your audience hungry for more!

2. Utilize Branded Colors and Fonts

Reinforcing your brand identity is another key aspect to consider when aiming to produce Pinterest pins that will attract clicks. Let’s talk about the power of utilizing branded colors and fonts.

When it comes to standing out on social media, establishing a consistent brand identity is pivotal. Your pins should reflect your brand’s personality, values, and aesthetics. Choose colors and fonts that align with your brand’s visual identity and evoke the desired emotions in your audience.

Creating a cohesive visual experience is key because it builds your brand up on the platform. Consistency in colors and fonts across your pins creates a recognizable and memorable visual identity.

By incorporating your branded colors and fonts consistently, you strengthen brand recognition and build trust with your audience. When users see your pins, they should instantly associate them with your brand.

And the best part is, if you’re a fan of Canva (which happens to be my favorite graphic design tool too!), you’ll love how easy it is to have everything ready in your Brand Kit. With just a simple click, you’ll have all your brand colors, fonts, and logos at your fingertips. It’s like magic!

Canva truly streamlines the process, making it a breeze to create stunning Pinterest pins that perfectly reflect your brand. So, why wait? Give Canva a try and see how it simplifies your design process with its convenient Brand Kit feature.

As your brand recognition grows and you build trust with valuable content your pins will become irresistible click magnets!

3. Optimize Image Sizes

Understanding the ideal dimensions for Pinterest pins is essential to create visually appealing and optimized content. By adhering to the recommended dimensions your pins will fit perfectly within the Pinterest feed and attract attention.

The two best-optimized sizes on Pinterest are the classic 1000 pixels wide by 1500-2000 pixels tall or 540 pixels wide by 960 pixels tall (favored for videos).

Maximizing visibility and engagement with proper sizing goes hand in hand with understanding the ideal dimensions. Pins that are too small may get lost among other content, while oversized pins can appear pixelated or cut off important information.

By sizing and optimizing your pins correctly, you increase their visibility in users’ feeds and encourage engagement through clicks, saves, and comments. Don’t underestimate the power of proper sizing in capturing attention and maximizing the impact of your Pinterest pins.

Design Pinterest Pins that Demand Clicks

4. USe Keyword Optimized Image Names

When it comes to uploading your images to your blog or directly to Pinterest don’t miss out on this powerful SEO trick!

Rename your image file with keywords to make it more searchable on Pinterest and on Google. Not renaming your image files means missing out on major Search Engine Optimization and keyword juice!

For example, if you are posting “The Best Chocolate Cake Recipe Ever”, don’t leave your image file name as image_12.jpg. Instead, name your file best-chocolate-cake-recipe.jpg to make it searchable.

By optimizing image names you will improve your SEO benefits and increase the discoverability of your pins in Pinterest searches.

RELATED: Pinterest for Bloggers: Maximizing Your Traffic Potential

5. Create Text Hierarchy and Flow

Structuring text in pins for easy readability is essential to grab and maintain your audience’s attention. By breaking down the text into easily digestible chunks, using short paragraphs and incorporating white space, you make your pins more visually appealing and user-friendly.

Guiding readers’ attention through visual hierarchy involves strategically placing important information and using visual cues such as font size, color, and formatting to create a clear hierarchy. By highlighting the most relevant and eye-catching elements, you direct your audience’s focus and enhance their engagement with your pins.

By paying attention to the structure, formatting, and flow of text in your pins, you can significantly improve readability, capture attention, and make your content more engaging and impactful for your audience.

6. Use a Call to Action

Encouraging users to take action through compelling CTAs is essential to drive engagement and conversions. Whether it’s urging them to click, sign up, purchase, or explore further, a well-crafted CTA can create a sense of urgency and excitement that compels users to act.

Clearly communicate what you want them to do and how to do it. Whether it’s clicking on a specific link, saving the pin for later, or sharing it with others, make the instructions clear, visible, and easy to follow. By removing any vagueness, you encourage users to engage and interact with your pins.

Experimenting with different CTAs is a valuable strategy to optimize your pin performance. Not every CTA will resonate equally with your audience, so it’s important to test different variations. Try out different wording, placement, and visual elements to see what generates the highest click-through rates and engagement. Analyze the results to see what’s working so that you can refining your CTAs with what works best for your specific audience.

Are you ready to take your pin design to the next level and create pins that attract clicks and leads for your business? Creating pinterest pins doesn’t have to be hard! Our collection of 30 customizable Pinterest Templates is here to uplevel your pins. These templates are carefully crafted to help you captivate your audience, grow your email list, and bring a new stream of traffic to your website.

And guess what? You can access them right now for just $27! It’s an incredible opportunity to elevate your presence on Pinterest and unlock new possibilities for your business. So, why wait? Get your hands on these templates today!

Bonus Pinterest Tips:

🌟 Optimizing pin descriptions is a powerful way to increase visibility and attract more attention. Don’t skip out on thoughtful pin descriptions. Craft keyword-rich pin descriptions that accurately represent the content of your pin. Incorporate relevant hashtags and carefully choose your keywords to improve discoverability in Pinterest searches. By optimizing your pin descriptions, you can ensure your pins are seen by a larger audience and drive more clicks and engagement.

🌟 Utilizing captivating images and graphics is crucial to make your pins stand out in a visually-driven platform like Pinterest. Choose high-quality, eye-catching visuals that align with your brand and capture the essence of your content. Utilize color, composition, and compelling imagery to grab attention and entice users to click and explore further. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, so make sure your images speak volumes!

🌟 Leveraging the power of storytelling in pin design can significantly enhance engagement and create a deeper connection with your audience. Craft pins that tell a compelling story, evoke emotions, or spark curiosity. Use captivating visuals and concise, engaging descriptions to draw users in and make them want to learn more. By leveraging storytelling techniques, you can create an emotional connection that resonates with your audience and encourages them to take action.

🌟 A/B testing and analyzing pin performance is essential for optimizing your Pinterest strategy. Experiment with different variations of pins, such as images, headlines, descriptions, or CTAs, and measure their performance against each other. Analyze metrics like click-through rates, saves, and engagement to determine what elements are connecting with your audience and driving the most success. This data-driven approach allows you to make informed decisions and continually refine your pin design and content to maximize results.

p.s. Grab my freebie Pinterest pins and start standing out today!


Now that you’re armed with these valuable strategies, it’s time to implement them in your pin design process.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, get creative, and adjust these techniques to fit your unique brand and audience.

Remember, designing Pinterest pins that get clicks is a learning process, so be open to refining and optimizing your approach based on feedback and performance metrics.

By incorporating these strategies into your pin design process, you’ll be well on your way to creating engaging and high-performing pins.

Now that you know how to design popular Pinterest Pins that demand clicks, it’s time to get pinning.

Happy pin designing!

xoxo Naomi

p.s. find this post helpful? Pin it! ⬇️

⬆️ Want to design Stand Out pins like these?! ⬆️ Grab them HERE 🤗

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