“Educated” by Tara Westover: A Review

This is a powerful story. Tara’s writing style had me captivated right from the beginning. I was totally caught up in this book as she weaved her childhood memories and experiences with her journey of education.

Her education is an awakening to so much more than information or even knowledge. In many ways her education was freedom. Freedom from being sheltered through misinformation and ignorance. For me, this book sheds new light on what it is to be ignorant. It’s unfortunate and an injustice to those with a lack of education who know nothing else. It gave me great compassion for those who have not been given the opportunity to learn or have been withheld access to knowledge and information.

I was moved many times as I read this book.

Family and family loyalty and love are all powerful influences in our lives. Our families are dear, treasured and cherished and we love them. Tara’s struggle was heartbreaking and brave.

It made me realize that we are not stuck. We can grow and learn and change our circumstances. I was incredibly moved as I read this book her struggle and what she overcame was transforming. It gave hope for a future beyond the hardships of the past.

Tara’s sharing of her childhood, upbringing, family and experience are truly moving. Her childhood accounts were sometimes sweet, but most often shocking. Her story shows the struggle born out of familial love to be loyal to family, a family she loves and parents she desired to honor, while breaking free in light of her education shedding light on the world, history, and self well-being. Her education brought more than knowledge. Her education gifted her with choice.

Education is one of the greatest gifts we can be given. One of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves.

Fantastic read. I loved this book and highly recommend it!

xoxo Naomi

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  1. As the homeschool parent to minority children I’m constantly reminding my children of the importance of their education. Our ancestors had to fight for their right to be educated, so we can’t take that for granted.

    1. So true. It makes me so much more grateful for my education and the fact that I can continue to learn and grow. We have access to so much knowledge if we are willing and passionate to pursue it.

    1. It was an amazing book. I cannot recommend it enough. It was eye-opening, courageous and a captivating read.

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