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3 Reasons Why You Should Set Goals Over Resolutions

Did you set New Year’s Resolutions this year? I usually do, but this year I’m skipping the resolutions and going straight to Goal Setting. I have 3 reasons why you should set goals over resolutions. Our lives are so busy. Do you ever feel like you’re losing sight of what your passions and priorities are. We are living FULL lives, but having too much on our plates can leave us overwhelmed, worn out and passionless.

When I find myself doing things because I’ve always done them or because I think they are expected of me, I find that I’ve lost sight of my creativity and direction. I recognize that sometimes setting goals actually requires dropping things. We don’t even realize we are so busy going through the motions we stopped dreaming.

If you thought setting goals was about MORE of something. Stop. Setting goals is about focus, getting organized and re-prioritizing. Try my 3 reasons why you should set goals over resolutions. Don’t add more, do more, be more. Instead refocus. You don’t have to say yes to everything. You don’t have to do it all. Feel free to drop a few things this year.

Here are my top three motivating reasons why I set goals. 

3 reasons why you should set goals over resolutions:

1. Purpose 

Goals help you live intentionally. When we make goals they give us clear objectives and take us beyond hoping to actual achievement.

Be intentional with your goals to live with purpose.

Set goals to prioritize the important things. If you know what you’re working towards you can make better informed choices to meet your goals. Living a life with purpose means figuring out the things that mean the most to you and pursuing those things. What are you passion about?

2. Direction 

Goals not only give you direction, they give you a destination. You need a point to work towards. Think of your goals as your mapped out route to success. Goals not only keep you organized they keep you on track. You can live life passively letting time go by or you can be intentional about where you are headed. Now is the time to start thinking ahead and come up with a plan.

3. Accomplishment 

When you set goals and focus in on your passions it enables you to translate what you love into something you can share with others. Coming up with goals means narrowing in on what you want to accomplish. For example if I say I want to improve as a blogger I set goals that are centered around stretching myself in the blog world. (We’ll touch more on this in part two of this series)

I hope you found these 3 reasons why you should set goals over resolutions helpful. 

Why do you set goals? Do you set goals? Let us in on your thoughts in the comment section below!

xoxo Naomi

Ready to meet your goals? Check out this 60+ page planner to help you Slay Your Goals!

Why you should set goals instead of resolutions

What excites me about goal setting is that it’s a great tool to help you prioritize things. When I start to set goals I think about exactly that, priorities. I ask myself what am I passionate about and what’s really important to me? I find that goals are key in helping you identify what your actual priorities are, as well as how to set healthy boundaries and build margin into your life.

Goals help you live intentionally, with purpose and with passion. Goal help us stay organized, on track and give us check in points as well as direction.

I like to look at the big picture and take a look at everything I have going on. I came to the realization that for me goals help me identify the things that are most important to me. I came to a point where I felt the freedom to actually cut things out. I was saying yes to too many things and feeling burnt out all the time.

So instead of using goals as some sort of to do list, I use goals to help me create action steps in work, blogging and in my personal life. Now I can do more of what matters most and not just “do” more. Read about the six powerful steps I use to set goals.

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  1. absolutely agree with you!!!! it’s all about those attainable and measurable goals! my husband and i are all about that goal setting. i used to sort of roll my eyes at it until the past few years when i actually started setting goals and then achieving them 🙂

  2. I’m so with you on this! I sat down with my trusty planner this year and wrote a few specific goals for the year with a general timeframe, while focusing on just one particular theme (self-discipline for me!). Seems like we think alike 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

    1. Gina I love that! And your hobby to business post was such an inspiration to me. Self-discipline is huge! That’s awesome.

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