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The Beautiful Venice Canals of California

Did you know California has its own version of the Venice Canals? When you think of the canals in Venice, I’m sure Venice, Italy comes to mind first. So it may surprise you to find that inland from Venice Beach are these hidden gems of Southern California. Our very own Venice Canals of California.

If there’s one place in Southern California I love to take people it’s the City of Venice. It’s where wacky and weird collide with trendy and chic, sometimes all on the same block. Here you’ll find some of the prettiest neighborhoods in LA. 

You’ll be treated to street performers and be invited to a freak show. You can watch workouts at muscle beach as you head down the boardwalk. At the pier you’ll have the perfect spot to watch surfers catch a few waves. Then head inland and you’ll find the beautiful Venice Canals of California.

The Beautiful Venice Canals of California

The Venice Canals, Venice Beach, California

Abbot Kinney envisioned a “Venice of America” resort town in Southern California with beautiful canal ways and gondola rides, amusement piers, a hot salt-water plunge, hotels and even Venetian-styled buildings. The Venice Canals built in 1905 were a tribute to the original Venice Canals in Italy. Then the modern age and automobiles came along and paved roads replaced canal ways. Soon what was left of them was forgotten, hidden away in the quiet yet lovely neighborhoods they run through.

The Venice Canals, Venice Beach, California

The Venice Canals, Venice Beach, California

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Visit The Venice Beach Canals

Looking for the Venice Canals address? The Venice Canals are located right off of 25th street in Venice Beach. You’d be surprised how easy it is to miss them. I’ve walked right by them and never even known they were there! As soon as I learned of their existence it wasn’t long before I was strolling the pretty walkways, crossing lovely white railed bridges and pretending I was in Italy for the afternoon.

There are 6 canals that makeup two miles of inland waterways. The pathways are open to the public and residents alike. Bordered by S. Venice Blvd, Pacific Ave there are multiple points of entry to the walkways in the neighborhood.

Google Map view of the Venice Canals in California

The Venice Canals, Venice Beach, California

The Venice Canals, Venice Beach, California

I spent a lovely Sunday afternoon strolling through the canals. Sharing the walkways with tourists and locals out walking their dogs. Meanwhile, residents enjoyed their patios, sitting and sipping refreshments, listening to music, and barbecuing.

The Venice Canals, Venice Beach, California

The Venice Canals, Venice Beach, California

While it isn’t Italy and the charm of the 1900’s have given way to more modern times, it is a pretty spot of the city to see and a lovely stroll.

Have you been to the Venice Canals? I hope you get a chance to visit the Beautiful Venice Canals of California!

xoxo Naomi

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    1. Thanks Rachel! This was my first time visiting them and I just couldn’t believe I’d never been. Venice is one of my favorite cities in California. I can’t wait to go back!

    1. It’s really beautiful! I know, I only recently discovered them. In the 1920’s they filled in most of the canals, but they left this one small section!

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