How to Use the Secret Canva Brand Codes to Create Beautiful Designs Today
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Have you heard of the secret Canva brand codes that you can use to find tons of amazing elements in Canva?
In this post I’m introducing you to my favorite secret Canva Brand Codes!
Plus at the end of this post grab my Canva Brand Code Cheat Sheets for easy reference.
I use Canva every single day! Not a day goes by when I’m not creating a graphic for work, my blog, an event, Pinterest or Instagram.
From designing Pinterest Pin Templates to quote graphics or reel covers for Instagram or printables for Etsy, Canva is my jam!
If you’re new to Canva get started with my intro to Canva post: What is Canva? Creating beautiful free graphics was never so easy.

There are so many reasons to love Canva.
They make designing and creating gorgeous graphics and images for your blog and social media beyond easy. And the platform only keeps getting better.
Not only is their free program robust, but when you invest in Canva Pro, it’s a total game changer.
Then there’s the elements. Think hundreds of thousands of incredible photos, graphics, illustrations, videos, charts, photo frames and more to use in your designs.
I absolutely love using their elements.
I use the Pro version because of all the amazing elements, illustrations, graphics and photos available to you in Canva Pro.
You can definitely find lots of free elements to use in Canva, but if you use it as much as I do Canva Pro is well worth it!
And behind all these amazing elements, are the brands and designers creating and contributing them to Canva.
p.s. You can get started with a free Pro trial and check out all the amazing features Canva has to offer!
What are Secret Canva Brand Codes?
Brand codes are how Canva identifies a unique creator. And these Canva secret codes are super useful in finding tons of design by the same creator.
Each creator that contributes to Canva has a code. When you search for a specific brand code you can find all the elements that a creator has contributed to Canva.
Brand codes can be especially helpful to create a cohesive look in your designs and stay on brand.
To find a brand code from the elements tab:
- Search for a design in the Elements search bar
- Click on the three little dots on the upper right hand corner of an element
- Click on View More by “Brand”
- The brand code will now appear in the Elements search bar
Ready to dive into the secret Canva brand codes?!
Here’s all my favorites for finding amazing elements to use in your designs.
Amazing Secret Canva Brand Codes (brands you’ll fall in love with):
Looking for secret Canva codes to finding amazing elements in Canva? Here are my go to Canva filter code lists to help you find the best secret Canva elements:

Free & Pro Elements
- Canva – brand:BAAAAP7rQ8M
- Tnata2009 – brand:BABxFHE-lNo
- Blancalab studio – brand:BADryun21zg
- Musbila – brand:BAD9T_FElHI
- Sparklestroke – brand:BADeGVMPgRk

Free Elements
- Pixabay – brand:BADPSfoNnvM
- Sketchify – brand:BADeGZOX6Sc
- Statement Goods – brand:BADxbsl67kc
- Fusion Books – brand:BABCTFGu9Rg
- Sparrow & Snow – brand:BADxmfFVmVk
- Bea and Bloom – brand:BADqYTsQvvg
- Anugraha Design – brand:BADxD-1hjSY

Pro Elements
- Marsala Digital – brand:BAD2BbIfm6k
- Glebakh – brand:BADHhofuVm0
- DAPA Images – brand:BADOKQ7rDcQ
- Vector Tradition – brand:BACBM0xenGo
- Basia Stryjecka- brand:BAED38EesPc
- The Angela Collection – brand:BAD695DwEDM
- Toonimated Images – brand:BAESjrS9SPQ
- Studiog2 – brand:BACQla1dccY
- Anatolir – brand:BAD2sg8EgTE
- Marina Zlochin – brand:BAEKomWrC3o
Ready to start your free Pro trial? Get started now!
These are some of my favorite Canva codes and I know you’ll discover yours too. I hope these get you started finding some really amazing elements.
how to search brand in canva
Canva has made it incredibly easy to search a brand in Canva.
When you come across a graphic, photo or video that you like in the elements search section you can hover over the element and click on the three dots (ellipses) to get a pop up box with more information.

In this pop up box you can see who created the element and view more by the brand.
You can further your search of the brand by typing in keywords in the search bar as well.
When using elements you can also click on the info icon – a lower case i in a circle – in your editing navigation bar. That same pop up box with additional info will pop up.
You can also click on “See more like this” in the pop up to see similar elements in the elements search section.
How to narrow your elements search with keywords
Narrow your element search by searching in the brand with a keyword to find the
best Canva filter codes.
Some brand codes can get a bit extensive! However, you can narrow your results by searching within the brand using keywords.
One of my favorite brand codes is Sketchify (brand:BADeGZOX6Sc).
When looking for something specific within that brand I’ll filter my search by using a keyword.
For example, in the element search bar I’ll type: brand:BADeGZOX6Sc vibrant, to pull up a selection of their fun, colorful designs.
Canva recently updated the search and once you know the brand’s name you can search for them using the @ symbol, like this: @sketchify.

When using elements, another great feature that Canva has built in is their Magic Recommendations.
Yet another reason to love Canva as they have built the program with the user in mind! Magic Recommendations make finding similar elements a breeze.
When you use an element in Canva, they will automatically give you Magic Recommendations that match that element’s design and aesthetic.

How to filter your search in Canva
You can also filter elements. If you are using the free version of Canva I highly recommend filtering elements by free.
This will save you a ton of time when searching for graphics and images to use in your designs.
Keep in mind you also have the option of paying per Pro element used in a design. But if you are looking to create designs for free, this filter option comes in handy!
Simply go into the elements search bar and click on the filter icon to the right. There you will find lots of great filtering options when searching for elements to use in Canva.
You can filter by color, orientation, animation, cut outs and free or pro.

Canva Brand Codes Cheat Sheets
Stay organized by keeping a brand code cheat sheet in Canva.
Every time I come across a brand I absolutely love and want to use again, I add them to my cheatsheet. This way I have easy future reference and don’t have to hunt them down again.
There’s nothing worse than finding a brand code you love and never being able to find it again. 😔
You can also star an elements for future use!
When you want to use an element again click on the info icon while the element is selected. A pop up box with info on the element will show up and you can Star it there.
Having a Canva elements cheat sheet is a must for me. I use my cheat sheet to quickly reference element in Canva that I know I want to use again.
How I design brand code cheatsheets in Canva for easy reference:
Once I find a brand’s elements that I really love, I add them to my Canva Brand Codes Cheatsheets in Canva. This go-to design I keep in Canva gives me an easy reference place to keep track of all the brands I know I’ll want to use again.
I’ve also designed my cheatsheets with visual references so that I can quickly look at them and find the aesthetics I want to use in my designs.
Grab my Canva Brand Code Cheatsheets templates below for easy brand code reference.
Want more helpful Canva tips? Check out these awesome posts:
- How To Create A Free Canva Website
- 7 Canva Image Editing Tools to try out
- Is it time to upgrade to Canva Pro?
- 20 Beautiful Free Canva Templates for Pinterest
- How to create multiple Pinterest pins in minutes
xoxo Naomi
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